Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I try to send more emails than my plan allows?

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Last Updated: October 23, 2014 5:39 PM

Pardon our dust. We updated our Express Email Marketing plans, and we're in the process of converting customers to the new versions.

The information below applies to email-based plans. If your plan is Contact-based, see What happens if I send to more contacts than my plan allows?

When you create a campaign, Express Email Marketing® displays an estimate for the total number of mailings generated by the campaign. Based on this estimate, you can upgrade your plan before scheduling the campaign for delivery.

If you select more recipients than are supported by your plan, Express Email Marketing lets you to upgrade your plan before sending the campaign. If you choose not to upgrade, Express Email Marketing sends the campaign to as many Contacts as are permitted by your plan. Contacts over your plan quota will not receive the campaign.

Optionally, you can add additional email packs to your Express Email Marketing account. Email packs are available in increments of 10,000 and must be associated with one Express Email Marketing account. There is a one-time charge for an email pack and the additional emails do not expire as long as your Express Email Marketing account is current.

For more information, see Adding More Email Messages to Your Express Email Marketing Plan.