Frequently Asked Questions

What are interest groups in Express Email Marketing?

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Last Updated: May 21, 2013 12:31 PM

Interest groups organize your contacts and help you target your Contacts appropriately based on their preferences. For example, if you send weekly sales announcements and monthly newsletters, you can create an interest group for Weekly Sale and another for Newsletter. With public or private group options, you can let Contacts select the groups they want to sign up for, or you can organize them into private groups that don't display on the sign-up form.

Public interest group categories display on your sign-up form, which lets your customers determine the categories they're interested in when they sign up. You can also assign Contacts to interest group categories from the subscription management pages. For example, an equipment retailer might create interest groups for skiers, snowboarders, and mountain bikers.

Private interest groups do not display on the sign-up form, and are not disclosed to Contacts at any time. For example, you can use private groups to organize Contacts into a VIP list for regular customers who purchased from you within the last six months.

For more information, see Managing Interest Groups in Express Email Marketing.