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Creating and Modifying Email Aliases in Simple Control Panel

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Last Updated: July 15, 2015 1:04 PM

You can create and modify an email alias. An alias redirects email to an account that you specify. For example, you can set up an alias so that messages sent to "" are redirected to your personal account, such as "".

A list of common aliases is created when you add a domain. Automatically created aliases include webmaster, security, and info.

To Create an Email Alias

  1. Log into Simple Control Panel. For more information as to how to do this, see How do I access my Dedicated Server using Simple Control Panel?
  2. Click the Email icon.
  3. Click the Edit button for the domain you want to add an email alias to. If you are unsure which button is the Edit button, view the tool tips for each button by hovering your mouse cursor over the buttons to the right of the domain name.
    If there are no domain names listed, you need to add a domain before you can set up an email alias for it. For more information see, Adding Domains to the Email Configuration.
  4. Click Add New Alias.
  5. In the Alias field, type the alias.
  6. In the Email address field, type the email address that messages redirected to.
  7. Click Save.