Frequently Asked Questions

Embedding Audio or Video into a Campaign

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Last Updated: May 14, 2015 6:09 PM

You can technically embed HTML code into a GoDaddy Email Marketing campaign -- however! The email programs you are sending to don’t allow any embedding media to be viewed. And, in fact, they are likely to block your email with embedded media, as potentially malicious content. So you need to steer clear of embedding any media, using any code, for viewability, and deliverability reasons

Many email programs and readers simply don't like embedded media. They'll either display it incorrectly or push it to spam. ISPs in general don't like seeing that sort of code and tend to flag it, as a lot of malware makes it way into email through that sort of thing.

Our Marketing Mavens recommend that you use a high quality screenshot or image in your campaign. And then, link that picture to the video or audio on your site, or elsewhere on the web. You could also put a text link instead of an image. See image below:

This is a win/win because it keeps your emails 100% compatible AND drives traffic to your site.

Just FYI, if you're using a Mac, we recommend Ember or Skitch

And if you're on any platform, Jing by TechSmith is a great screen capture tool. You can always crop it using Picmonkey or Aviary, for free.