Frequently Asked Questions

Signup Form Confirmation and Activation Landing Pages

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:04 PM

You may have noticed that alluring Advanced tab when working on customizing your own signup form. And if you've ventured to click, you've already revealed a world of opportunities for delivering exactly the signup experience you want your readers to have! But let's focus in on just two of those guys: Confirmation Landing Page and Activation Landing Page

Both of these landing pages are optional. If you don't put anything in these fields, then GoDaddy will simply direct your subscribers to a simple "Thank You" page. (And don't worry! Your account language settings will apply to those pages, so your subscribers will see the message in the language you have set.) But, if you'd like to have more control over the screens that your subscribers will see, then let's check it out...

Confirmation Landing Page

This is the page your subscribers will be directed to, right after they click that Submit button on your signup form. It's best to have this page confirm with your subscriber that their details have been successfully submitted - and you can thank them, too, while you're at it! If you simply redirect them back to the same page they were on, however, they won't get any feedback that they signed up successfully - and after all, this is the 'confirmation' page.

So, once you have that page created on your site, just paste that URL right into this field, here.

Remember: if you have your signup form set up as a double opt-in form, you should also include instructions on this page for your subscribers to check their email for your confirmation email.

Activation Landing Page

This option is only relevant for forms that are set to double opt-in - that's the only time you need to consider setting an Activation Landing Page. This is the page that your subscribers will see after they click on the confirmation link that they receive in their emails.

If your signup form is set to single opt-in, and folks are added to your subscribers immediately upon submitting their details, then this landing page will never be seen by anyone.

Again, if you don't put anything into this field, then your subscribers will still see a nice GoDaddy "Thank You" page, after they click that confirmation link.

But, if you'd like to have your readers see a page of your own, then this is where you put the URL for that page. Maybe you want to specifically thank them, in your own words. Or, maybe offer them a free gift for signing up - just publish that download link on a page, and set that as your Activation Landing Page.

Now, go out there and customize your signup form's landing pages!