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Accessing WP-CLI on Your Managed WordPress Account

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Last Updated: November 3, 2014 1:29 PM

You can control your Managed WordPress account through WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface). If you're proficient with command line interfaces, this can be a much simpler way to get around WordPress.

To Access WP-CLI on Your Managed WordPress Account

  1. Access your Managed WordPress account via SSH (more info).
  2. Change to your account's html directory using the following command:
    cd html
  3. Run the WP-CLI application using the following command:

You can find a full list of commands on the WP-CLI site here.

We have also created a custom command purge which clears your Managed WordPress account's cache.

Example Commands

To update all plugins, run the following command:

wp plugin update --all

To update all themes, run the following command:

wp theme update --all

To repair your database, run the following command:

wp db repair