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About Personal Preferences

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 3:26 PM

Through the Personal Information preferences, you can edit your name and email preferences and add vacation messages. You modify information on the following Personal Preferences tabs:

You can change your Web-Based Email password. Passwords must be between 5 and 32 characters in length.
You can create a signature and letterhead to use with your email messages. You can specify whether you want to automatically add your signature or letterhead to your message or manually add them to a message while you write it. You import images to the letterhead to create headers and footers, add a logo, add a background, etc.
Auto Reply
You can turn a vacation message or auto reply on or off.
You can add, edit, or delete an identity. Your identity contains the information recipients see when you send an email message, such as your name.
Remote Email
You can download email messages from a remote POP3 or Gmail account to your Web-Based Email account. When you add a remote account, you can specify what folder email messages are moved to, whether to check the account automatically and whether to apply spam and filtering rules to the account, and you can leave a copy of your messages on the account.