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Understanding Web-Based Email Settings Alerts

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 4:27 PM

If any changes are made to any of your settings that affect storage management, the next time you log in to Web-Based Email, an alert displays to confirm your settings have changed. To effectively manage your storage space, we recommend setting your folders to automatically purge their contents at regular intervals.

If you receive the Trash alert, this is the first time you logged in to your account since the system default for Auto Purge for Trash was updated to 30 days. You can change this setting in the Alert, or at any time by right-clicking on the Trash folder in your Folders list and selecting Auto Purge.
You have selected to Always or Prompt to save messages that you send in your Sent Items folder. To effectively manage your storage space, we recommend setting this option to Never. You can change this setting in the Alert, or at any time by selecting Display Settings from the Settings menu, then on the Composing tab, select Never for the Copy Email Messages to Sent Items When Sending Mail option.
You have changed or disabled the Auto Purge setting for one or more of your folders. To effectively manage your storage space, we recommend setting your folders to automatically purge their contents at a regular interval.
Spam Filtering
You have lowered your filtering strength or disabled the Spam Filtering for your account. To combat Spam, we recommend turning on Spam Filtering and setting the strength to Medium or higher. To effectively manage your storage space, we recommend you select to deliver Spam to your Bulk Mail folder and enable Auto Purge for your Bulk Mail folder.