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Displaying Messages from Preferred Senders in Your Message List

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Last Updated: January 26, 2009 1:24 PM

When preferred senders are enabled, you can view your Inbox as tabbed or sorted. The sorted view displays messages from preferred senders at the top of your message list. The tabbed view displays your message list as three tabs. You also have the option of enabling icons for your preferred senders to display in the From field in your message list. For more information on viewing Preferred Senders in your message list see, Enabling and Disabling Viewing for Preferred Senders.

You have three view options when the tabbed view is selected. Use the tabs at the top of your message list to select a view:

Displays all of your email messages, with your Preferred Senders at the top of your list.
Displays messages from only those contacts who are designated as Preferred Senders.
Not Preferred
Displays only those messages that are from senders who are not designated as Preferred Senders.

NOTE: If you selected "Unread At Top" or "Flagged At Top" in the Folder Options for your Inbox, and you selected the sorted view, those items from Preferred Senders display at the top of your message list. However, unread and/or flagged items from senders who are Not Preferred display at the top of the remaining message list, after all other messages from Preferred Senders. For more information see, Setting Folder Options.