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Purging Email Messages in Web-Based Email

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Last Updated: February 21, 2009 1:17 PM

A quick and easy way to delete messages from your Bulk Mail, Sent Mail, or Trash folder in Web-Based Email is to purge your unwanted messages. Purging messages permanently deletes them from your email account. This can free up valuable storage space, because messages in these folders count against your available storage space.

To Purge Email Messages

  1. Log in to your Web-Based Email account.
  2. In your Folders list, if you have messages in your Bulk Mail or Trash, the purge hyperlink displays.
  3. Click the purge hyperlink next to the folder with contents you want to delete. Messages are deleted in groups of 50.
  4. If you want to stop the purging process, click Stop.

NOTE: Stopping the purge does not restore any messages that were already deleted in the purging process. However, all messages not yet purged remain in your folder.