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Automatically Deleting or Purging Old Messages

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Last Updated: April 21, 2008 3:52 PM

To keep your Web-Based Email account from filling up, you can set a length of time after which old messages in a specific folder are deleted, or purged.

To Set Messages to Automatically Purge

  1. From the Folders area, right-click on the folder for which you want to set the Auto Purge option.
  2. Click Auto Purge.
  3. Select the frequency with which you want to delete old messages from the folder.
  4. Click OK.

NOTE: The Bulk Mail folder is set to Auto Purge every 30 days by default. To disable Auto Purge or change the length of time before messages are deleted, right-click on the Bulk Mail folder, select Auto Purge, and then change your options.