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Faxing Email Messages

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 5:01 PM

If you have a Fax Thru Email account, you can send a Web-Based Email message to a fax machine. If the message has an attachment, you can select the parts of the message you want to send, such as the message body and/or the attachment.

To Fax an Email Message

  1. Click the name of the folder that contains the message you want to fax.
  2. Click the email message you want to fax.
  3. Click the Send Via Fax button.
  4. In the Send Via Fax dialog box, select the check box(es) for the parts of the message you want to fax.
  5. Click Send Via Fax.
    Fax Thru Email displays.
  6. Continue sending the fax. If you need help using Fax Thru Email, see Fax Thru Email's online Help system.