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Viewing the Message List

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 4:43 PM

You can modify how the message list displays in your Web-Based Email by changing the sorting order and changing the number of messages displayed.

To View the Message List

  1. Click the name of the folder that contains the list of messages you want to view.
  2. To sort the list alphabetically by name or subject, click the From, Subject, or To column heading.
  3. To sort the list chronologically by date, click the Date column heading.
  4. To sort the list message size, click the Size column heading.

    NOTE: Click a column heading again to reverse the order of the list.

  5. From the Display list, select the number of items you want to display on the page.
  6. If you have more than one page of email messages, from the Page list, select the page number you want to view.