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About the Message List

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 4:41 PM

From the Web-Based Email message list, you can open and work with individual messages or use the message list to perform actions on multiple messages.

Working with the Message List

When you open an email message, you can reply to, forward, print, or delete the message. You can perform an action on the message, such as flagging it or marking it as unread. You can also organize your messages by moving them into folders or create filters to automatically move messages to a specific folder. If a message has a file attachment, you can download or view the file.

NOTE: To perform an action on messages in the message list, select an action from the Apply This Action list or the right-click menu. If you want to apply an action to all email messages in a folder, you can select all the messages by clicking on the check mark at the top of the checkbox column.

Your sent email messages are stored in the Sent Items folder, where you have the option of viewing a message, resending it, or, in some cases, recalling it. You can recall unread messages you sent to other Web-Based Email users and users who set up email accounts with us. You cannot recall read messages.

If you enabled Message Preview, you can click a message to view it in the Message Preview area. From the Message Preview area, you can reply to and forward the message.

You can also download attachments. For more information about enabling Message Preview, see Setting Viewing Preferences.