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Scheduling Events

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Last Updated: February 9, 2009 5:26 PM

Through Web-Based Email's calendar feature, you can schedule events, as well as add notifications and reminders.

The following sections show you how to schedule events in different versions of Web-Based Email.

Email Legacy Version

To Schedule an Event

  1. Click the Calendar button.
  2. Click Add Detailed Event.
  3. In the Subject field, type the subject of the event.
  4. From the Date list, select the date of the event.
  5. From the Start Time and End Time lists, select the time the event will begin and end.
  6. In the Location field, type the location where the event will take place.
  7. In the Details box, type the details about the event.
  8. In the Notification box, select an option to indicate whether you want to send a notification of the event to other attendees, and, if necessary, type the email addresses of attendees.
  9. In the Reminder box, select an option to indicate whether you want to send a reminder of the event, and, if necessary, type the email address you want to send the reminder to.
  10. From the Recurrence list, select an option to indicate whether the event recurs, and, if necessary, specify when it recurs.
  11. Click Save.