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What is a Preferred Sender?

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Last Updated: October 15, 2008 3:42 PM

The Preferred Sender feature in Web-Based Email allows you to designate email addresses or contacts from your address book as important in your Web-Based Email account. When preferred senders are enabled, you can view your Inbox as tabbed or sorted. The sorted view displays messages from preferred senders at the top of your message list. The tabbed view displays your message list as three tabs. The first tab displays all of your messages, the second tab displays only messages from preferred senders, and the third tab displays only messages from senders not designated as preferred. If you disable viewing in your preferred sender settings, messages from your designated preferred senders display normally in your email message list.

You also have the option of enabling icons for your preferred senders to display in the From field in your message list. When designating email addresses in your preferred sender settings, you can select an icon for the sender. When designating contacts from your address book, the icon defaults to the yellow star. You can change or disable icons in the preferred sender settings.

To view Preferred Senders, see Viewing your Preferred Sender List in Web-Based Email.

To designate Preferred Senders, see Designating Preferred Senders in Web-Based Email.