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Enabling Calendar for Your Email Account Through the Email Control Center

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Last Updated: February 19, 2009 9:17 AM

When you set up your email account you can enable Calendar and assign an email address to your Calendar account through the Email Control Center. When you associate your Calendar account with your Email account, they are linked so that you can access one from the other.

For information on setting up your email account, see Setting Up Your Email Account in the Email Control Center.

To Enable Calendar and Assign it to an Email Account

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Email.
  3. In the Email Account list, click Manage Account for the account you want to use..
  4. In the Email Plans list, locate the plan that contains the email address for which you want to enable Calendar, and then in the Email Addresses list, click the email address.

    NOTE: If you do not have a Calendar plan, the Related Products section is collapsed. To purchase a Calendar plan, expand this section and follow the hyperlink to our Web site to make your purchase.

  5. On the Edit Email page, in the Related Products section, select Calendar, and then in the Select Account menu, select the Calendar account you want to associate with this email address.
  6. Click OK.

Activation instructions for the Calendar are sent to the email address. You, (or if the email address is not your own, the email address user) must follow the instructions in the email message to activate the Calendar account and complete the setup process. Until the account is activated, the Email Control Center displays an icon in the Attributes column for the email address indicating the Calendar is pending setup.