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Viewing Calendars and Lists

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Last Updated: February 19, 2009 9:13 AM

There are a variety of options for viewing your calendar. You can view a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly calendar, or you can view your scheduled events in a list. You can also change which calendar you view, such as one of your group calendars.

To view all of your scheduled events on one calendar, even events scheduled on a group calendar, view your personal calendar. For more information about using your personal calendar, see Viewing Personal Calendars.

Resources also have a calendar. You can access resource calendars from the Resources tab of the group the resource is associated with. For more information about viewing a resource calendar, see Viewing Resource Calendars.

To Change Your Calendar View

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. From the Quick Navigation list, select the calendar you want to view.
  3. To change the view, do one of the following:
    • To view events by day, click the Day View tab.
    • To view events by week, click the Week View tab.

      NOTE: You can select a layout for the week view. Click on the Columns View or Rows View icons to change the layout.

    • To view events by month, click the Month View tab.
    • To view events by year, click the Year View tab.
    • To view a complete list of events, click the List View tab.