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Filtering Sitemap URLs

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Last Updated: August 12, 2008 11:01 AM

To help focus the list of URLs in your sitemap, so you can perform edits on specific URLs, you can use the Filter tool in the Sitemap Manager. You can filter URLs by including keywords and by selecting the URL's source, whether to view included/excluded URLs, and whether to include only recently collected URLs in your list. For example, you could choose to display only URLs from crawl logs that are already included in your list and that include the term "products."

To Filter Your Sitemap URLs

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, select Hosting.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the hosting account you want to manage.
  4. Click the Sitemaps icon in the Content section of the Hosting Control Center. This action opens the Sitemap Manager with your sitemap files displayed..
  5. Select the sitemap you want to update.
  6. Click the Edit icon. Your list of URLs is displayed.

If you have new URLs to add to the list and need assistance, see Adding URLs to a Sitemap.

Narrowing Your Search Using the Filter

In the Filter section on the left side of the screen, you can narrow the list of URLs that are included in your displayed list by:

  • Adding keywords in the Title/URL contains field.
  • Selecting whether to display included, excluded, or all URLs in the Included list.
  • Selecting whether to include logged, crawled, or all URLs in the Source list.
  • Selecting whether to include Only New URLs. This setting refers to URLs collected during the most recent crawl and log parse.

Selecting URLs from the List

Clicking a column header multiple times toggles the sort direction. For example, clicking the Date Modified header, sorts list items according to their modification date. This action places the most recently modified items on top. Clicking the header a second time reorders the files with the oldest file on top.

In the left column, beneath the checkmark icon, select all URLs you want to edit. There are three ways to select multiple items:

  • Scroll over the checkmark icon in the header, and then choose whether you would like to Select Current Page, Select All Pages, or Unselect All URLs.
  • Select individually each specific item.
  • Select one item, and then, holding down the Shift key on your keyboard, select another item from the list to continue your selection. The two chosen items and all items between them are selected

NOTE: In the Include column on the right, all included URLs are represented by a checkmark. All excluded URLs are represented by a hyphen.