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Inviting Users or Resources to Events

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Last Updated: February 19, 2009 9:37 AM

After you add a user to an Calendar event, you automatically send them an invitation to attend the event. Invitations are sent to users in email messages as a meeting request, and users have the option of accepting, tentatively accepting, or declining invitations. Responses, including the attendee's event status, are sent in an email message to the organizer. You can also allow attendees to invite other users to the event.

NOTE: You can invite any user to an event, including users who do not have an Calendar account. For a user who does not have an account, in the Add/Edit Event dialog box, "Not a calendar user" displays by the user's name.

You can reserve a resource so that it is available at the time of your event.

To Invite Users to an Event By Email Address

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. From the Go to list, select the calendar you want to use for scheduling the event. The Go to list is in the menu bar on the right side of the window.
  3. Click the Add Event button.
  4. Click the Attendees & Resources tab.
  5. Select By Email Address.
  6. In the Enter Email Address field, enter the user's email address.
  7. From the list, specify whether the user's attendance is Required or Optional.
  8. Click Add.
  9. To allow users to invite other people, select Allow Attendees to Invite Other Users.
  10. Continue completing the fields as you want. For more information about scheduling events, see Scheduling Events Using All Fields and Lists.
  11. Click OK.

When you save and close the event, users are invited to attend the event.

To Invite Users to an Event From a Group

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. From the Go to list, select the calendar you want to use for scheduling the event. The Go to list is in the menu bar on the right side of the window.
  3. Click the Add Event button.
  4. Click the Attendees & Resources tab.
  5. Select From Group.
  6. From the Select Group list, select the name of the group.
  7. From the Select Person list, select the name of the group member.
  8. From the list, specify whether the user's attendance is Required or Optional.
  9. Click Add.
  10. To allow users to invite other people, select Allow Attendees to Invite Other Users.
  11. Continue completing the fields as you want. For more information about scheduling events, see Scheduling Events Using All Fields and Lists.
  12. Click OK.

When you save and close the event, users are invited to attend the event.

To Reserve a Resource for an Event

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. From the Go to list, select the calendar you want to use for scheduling the event. The Go to list is in the menu bar on the right side of the window.
  3. Click the Add Event button.
  4. Click the Attendees & Resources tab.
  5. Select Add Resource.
  6. From the Select a Resource list, select the resource you want to reserve, and then click Add.
  7. Continue completing the fields as you want. For more information about scheduling events, see Scheduling Events Using All Fields and Lists.
  8. Click OK.