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Scheduling Recurring Events

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Last Updated: February 19, 2009 9:12 AM

Through Calendar, you can schedule recurring events and specify how often the event occurs and when the event ends. Depending on the option you select, more options become available.

When you open a recurring event that another user scheduled, the event details display the time and time zone for the user who scheduled the event. When you view the recurring event on your calendar, it displays at the time the event occurs in your time zone. For example, if you are on Eastern time and someone schedules an event at 11 AM/Pacific time, it displays at 8 AM on your calendar but at 11 AM/Pacific if you open the occurrence.

To Schedule a Recurring Event

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. If necessary, from the Go to list, select the calendar you want to use for scheduling the recurring event. The Go to list is in the menu bar on the right side of the window.
  3. Click the Add Event button.

    NOTE: By default, the Details tab is open.

  4. Click the Recurrence tab.
  5. To schedule a recurring event, do one of the following:
    • To create a daily event, select Daily, and then specify whether you want the event to occur every specific number of days, such as every three days, or every weekday.
    • To create a weekly event, select Weekly, and then specify whether you want the event to occur every specific number of weeks, such as every four weeks, and which day of the week to schedule the event.
    • To create a monthly event, select Monthly, and then specify whether you want the event to occur on a specific date every month, such as the 10th of every month, or whether you want it to occur on a specific day, such as the third Thursday of every month.
    • To create a yearly event, select Yearly, and then specify whether you want the event to occur on a specific date every year, such as every May 19th, or a specific day, such as the second Tuesday of November every year.
  6. In the Ending area, specify when the recurrence ends.
  7. Continue completing the fields as you want. For more information about scheduling events, see Scheduling Events Using All Fields and Lists.
  8. Click OK.