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About Faxing

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Last Updated: September 4, 2008 2:34 PM

You can send faxes through your Fax Thru Email account or through your email client (for example, Outlook, Eudora, Yahoo!, or Hotmail). You can send a fax to one recipient at a time.

When sending a fax using your Fax Thru Email account, you can upload the file you want to fax, or, if you have Online File Folder, you can select the file from your Online File Folder. Fax Thru Email converts attachments into fax pages. You can import a cover sheet, create one using the Fax Thru Email program, or use one of the cover sheet templates that Fax Thru Email provides. Your fax can be up to 30MB in size.

NOTE: You can send faxes to North America (U.S. and Canada). International faxes are not supported; Fax Thru Email does not process outgoing fax numbers that include a country code or international destination.

Fax Thru Email supports the following file formats:

  • Microsoft Word - .doc
  • Rich Text Format - .rtf
  • Plain Text - .txt
  • CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) - .gif
  • Joint Photography Experts Group (JPEG) - .jpg
  • Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) - .tif
  • Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) - .pdf
  • HTML Format - .html
  • Microsoft Excel - .xls

When sending a fax through your email client, make sure the "From" email address is the same as the one you assigned as your Account Email Address when you set up your Fax Thru Email account.

Successful and Failed Transmissions

Fax Thru Email sends you a confirmation email message to the email address you specified on the Settings page. You can check the status of the fax in the View History page. For successful transmissions, the minutes are deducted from your account.

If the transmission encountered a busy signal, Fax Thru Email attempts the transmission three times. If the transmission encounters an invalid fax number, it does not send the fax. Minutes from an unsuccessful transmission are not deducted from your account.

WARNING: Fax Thru Email is a permission-based fax service and is not meant to send unwanted fax messages to the general public. Customers suspected of sending spam may have their accounts canceled. For more information regarding the use of Fax Thru Email to send unwanted fax messages to recipients, refer to the Fax Thru Email Service Agreement and spam policy outline.