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Adding Text to Images

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Last Updated: October 9, 2008 3:40 PM

WebSite Tonight allows you to add text to images.

To Add Text to an Image

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Page Designer .
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to edit.
  4. Click the block you want to edit. Blocks are outlined in blue.
  5. Select the image you want to edit.
  6. Go to the Options tab, click Edit Image.
  7. Click Image Text.
  8. From the Font list, select the font you want to use.

    NOTE: If you have not downloaded fonts from WebSite Tonight, the text box will not show the font style. You can see the font style when you click Update Image Preview. For more information about downloading fonts, see Downloading Additional Fonts for your Web Site.

  9. From the Size list, select the font size you want to use.
  10. From the Color list, select the font color you want to use.
  11. To make the text bold or italic, click Bold or Italic.
  12. To underline the text, click Underline.
  13. To insert a variable, from the Insert Variable list, select the variable you want to insert.
  14. In the text box, type your text.
  15. From the Text Position list, select where you want to position the text on the image.
  16. To preview the changes, click Update Image Preview or Preview Full Size.
  17. Click OK.


To Edit Text on an Image

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Page Designer .
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to edit.
  4. Click the block you want to edit. Blocks are outlined in blue.
  5. Select the image you want to edit.
  6. Go to the Options tab, click Edit Image.
  7. Click Image Text.
  8. Select the text you want to edit.
  9. Edit the text.
  10. To preview the edited text, click Update Image Preview or Preview Full Size.
  11. Click OK.