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Adding a Photo Album to Your WebSite Tonight Site

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Last Updated: December 30, 2008 3:08 PM

With WebSite Tonight, you can add a series of images to a page by creating a photo album. You build a photo album using images from the Image Library, which contains both stock images and any images that you uploaded. For more information about the image library, see Using the Image Library.

To add a photo album, you must add a photo album block to one of the containers on your Web page before you can add images to the photo album. Then you can add images and manage the layout of your photo album. You manage your photo album through the Edit Photo Album window. You can add or delete images, specify the number of columns and rows that display in your album, and you can edit the image description.

To Add a Photo Album

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Page Designer .
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to edit.
  4. Click the block you want to edit. (Blocks are outlined in blue.)
  5. Click to place your cursor in the location where you want to add your photo album.
  6. Go to the Insert tab, and then select Photo Album.
  7. Select a photo album type:
    WebSite Tonight Photo Album
    Insert a photo album using WebSite Tonight into your page. You can add images using the Image Library. Select this option if you want to upload images from your computer or use the stock images that are included with WebSite Tonight.
    Photo Album Account
    If you purchased one of our Photo Album accounts, you can import photos from your Photo Album account into your WebSite Tonight Page. Select the Photo Album account you want to import from, and then select the gallery that contains the images you want to import.
  8. Click OK.
  9. To add an image to your photo album click Add New Image.
  10. Select an image from the Image Library and click OK.
  11. In the Settings area, you may adjust the following:
    Number of columns
    Specify the number of columns you want to display in the photo album.
    Number of Rows
    Specify the number of rows you want to display in the photo album.
    Select Left, Center, or Right alignment.
    Select Classic, Solid Color, Image, or Transparent.
  12. Click Apply Settings.
  13. Click OK. (You may need to scroll down to view the OK button.)