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Creating Clean Microsoft Word HTML

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Last Updated: February 20, 2009 9:24 AM

With WebSite Tonight, you can remove Microsoft Word formatting from your text. If you copy and paste content from a Microsoft Word document, the pasted content may include formatting information from the Microsoft Word document that makes it display incorrectly. You can remove the Microsoft Word formatting so that your Web site copy is coded correctly.

To Create Clean Microsoft Word HTML

  1. If necessary, copy the content from your Microsoft Word document.
  2. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  3. From the Design menu, click Page Designer .
  4. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to add your text to.
  5. Click the block you want to add your text to. Blocks are outlined in blue.
  6. Position your cursor where you want to place the text that you copied from your word document.
  7. From the formatting toolbar, located at the top left corner of the page, click Paste.
  8. From the formatting toolbar above the header, click the drop-down list icon (on the right) and click Clean Microsoft Word HTML (a document with a blue W).
  9. From the Tools menu, click Clean Microsoft Word HTML.
  10. Click Save to close the content block.