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Comparing Classic and New Statistics

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Last Updated: October 24, 2008 11:43 AM

The new Quick Blogcast statistic tool is now more interactive and offers you more control over the statistics you collect for your blog site. You can still collect many of the same statistics as before, but we've enhanced those features and added others. Select a classic statistic below to understand how it compares with new statistics.

General Statistics

From this classic section, we've removed the General Blog Information, which largely provided only the length of time you've had your blog. The IP Address Report provided information about the IP addresses of your blog's visitors; we are soon adding this feature to the new blog statistics. All other classic statistical information is included in the new statistics tool.

Classic Statistic New Statistic Additional Differences
General Blog Information Conversion to New Statistics Not Planned
Referrers Report Referring Sites In both the Traffic section and the Reports section, we now show you all the referring sites to your blog.
IP Address Report Coming Soon!
Browser Report Browsers In both the Visitors section and the Reports section, we now show you all the browsers used to view your blog.
Operating Systems Report Operating Systems In both the Visitors section and the Reports section, we now show you all the operating systems used to view your blog.


Entries Statistics

Almost all of the statistics from this classic section are available in the new statistics tool. Information previously found in the Entry Count (by Status) section, is not yet available with the new statistics tool; but we plan to add it soon. We do not, however, plan to convert the General Entry Information section, which displayed an entry count, along with the total number of words contained in all entries.

Classic Statistic New Statistic Additional Differences
General Entry Information
Conversion to New Statistics Not Planned
Most Popular Entries
(Total Hits)
Entry Views
Vlog Downloads/plays
Total Visits
In both the Content section and the Reports section, we now show you all the views on each entry.
Most Subscribed-to Entries RSS Subscriber Entry Views On the Dashboard, we now show the total subscription count.
Entry Count (by Category) Category Views
RSS Category Views
In both the Content section and the Reports section, we now show you all the views on each category.
Entry Count (by Status)
Coming Soon!


Podcasts Statistics

We converted from the classic statistics to the new statistics tool the Most Popular Podcasts statistics, which displays a list of the most frequently viewed podcast entries, in descending order. We do not plan to convert the General Podcast Information section or the Podcast Counts (by Status) section.

Classic Statistic New Statistic Additional Differences
General Podcast Information
Conversion to New Statistics Not Planned
Most Popular Podcasts Podcast Downloads/Plays
RSS Podcast Downloads
In both the Content section and the Reports section, we now show you all the views on each podcast.
Podcast Counts
(by Status)
Conversion to New Statistics Not Planned


Discussion Statistics

Currently, we do not plan on converting any of these reports from the classic statistics tool to the new statistics tool except Most Discussed Entries, which displays a list of commenters (by email address) who have left the most comments.

Classic Statistic New Statistic Additional Differences
General Discussion Information
Conversion to New Statistics Not Planned
Most Discussed Entries
Coming Soon!
Most Frequent Commenters
Conversion to New Statistics Not Planned
Most Frequent Trackbacks
Conversion to New Statistics Not Planned


Survey Results

We'll soon be converting from classic statistics to new statistics this survey report, which provides results based on responses to the section that appears in each entry prompting viewers, "What did you think of this article?"

Classic Statistic New Statistic Additional Differences
Coming Soon!
Liked Column
Coming Soon!
Disliked Column
Coming Soon!
No Opinion Column
Coming Soon!
Total Column
Coming Soon!


Printed Articles

We'll soon add to the new statistics tool this classic report, which displays the articles that have been printed, as well as the total number of printed articles.

Classic Statistic New Statistic Additional Differences
Last Print Column
Coming Soon!
Total Prints Column
Coming Soon!
% Column
Coming Soon!


Articles Views

Statistics in this section provide information about article views, such as how many times the articles were viewed for the specified time period.

Classic Statistic New Statistic Additional Differences
Daily Article Views Entry Views In both the Content section and the Reports section, we now show you all the views on each entry.


New Statistics

These are all new statistics, not available in the classic mode.

Classic Statistic New Statistic Additional Differences
Not previously available. Search Engines This is a new statistic, viewable in both the Traffic section and the Reports section.
Not previously available. Direct Links This is a new statistic, viewable in both the Traffic section and the Reports section.
Not previously available. RSS Feed Views by Type This is a new statistic, viewable in both the RSS Subscribers section and the Reports section.
Not previously available. Search Terms This is a new statistic, viewable in both the Traffic section and the Reports section.


For additional information on Quick Blogcast Statistics, see Managing Quick Blogcast Statistics.