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Using the File Manager in Quick Blogcast

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Last Updated: December 2, 2008 2:48 PM

Quick Blogcast allows you to manage your files on one convenient page.

To Manage Your Files

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the blog account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Entries menu, select Files.
  5. You can manage your files in the following areas:
    Select Action
    Select an action for your selected files, and then click Apply.
    Entry Locked
    If your file is included in an entry, it is automatically locked. This prevents you from deleting a file that is in use.
    How many files you want displayed on the page
    Displays the file name
    Displays the file type
    The date and time the file was uploaded
    How many posts reference the file
    Click the icon to view the entry
    Allows you to view additional pages of files (If applicable)
  6. Click Apply to save changes.