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Setting Quick Blogcast Remote Blogging Options

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Last Updated: November 11, 2008 11:19 AM

Blog owners can enable access to the MetaWeblog API, which allows Blogcast authors to write and post blog entries from third-party clients, including desktop clients, online clients, and personal digital assistants (PDA).

After enabling MetaWeblog API access, blog authors need to set up the third-party client to work with Quick Blogcast. For more information, see Setting Up Third-Party Clients.

NOTE: Only blog owners can enable access. Authors that the blog owner added must wait for the owner to enable access before they can use remote blogging.

To Set Remote Blogging Options

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. In the QuickBlogcast list, click Manage Account next to the account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Blog menu, click Settings.
  5. Select the Remote Blogging tab.
  6. Select Enable remote blogging from third-party applications.
  7. In the User name field, specify the user name you want to use with the remote blogging account.

    NOTE: The user name and password must be different than the user name and password you use to log into your Quick Blogcast account. You use this user name and password to set up the account on the third-party client.

  8. In the Password and Verify Password fields, enter the password you want to use for the remote blogging account.
  9. Click Save.

For more information, see Blogging Photos.