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Vlogging with a Mac

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Last Updated: November 14, 2008 9:52 AM

You can create and upload video to Quick Blogcast using a Mac®. You can use QuickTime Pro® to record your video podcast and export it in a file that can be uploaded to Quick Blogcast in a few simple steps. QuickTime Pro version 7.0.3 or later is recommended.

To create a Video Podcast Using QuickTime Pro

Note: Before you can record a video podcast, you must connect a Webcam or DV camera. It is recommended that you close other applications such as iChat and AOL® Instant Messenger before recording.

  1. Open QuickTime Pro.
  2. From the QuickTime Player menu, select Preferences.
  3. Select the Recording icon .
  4. Select the video device and microphone you want to use to create your video podcast.
  5. Select a quality for your podcast. (Device Native will produce the best quality).
  6. Select a location for saving your video podcast.
  7. Close the Preferences window.
  8. From the File menu, select New Movie Recording.
  9. When you are ready to begin recording, click the red button.
  10. To stop recording, click the black button.
  11. From the File menu, select Export.
  12. Select Movie to QuickTime Movie or Movie to MPEG-4.
  13. Once the export is complete, you can upload the video to Quick Blogcast.

For information about uploading a video to Quick Blogcast, see Uploading Video to Quick Blogcast.