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About General Podcast Settings

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Last Updated: February 28, 2008 11:02 AM

Quick Blogcast allows you to specify general podcast settings. This will apply your settings to all of your podcast episodes; you do not need to edit each episode individually. If you want to specify different settings for a particular episode, see Adding Podcast Episodes.

To Set General Podcast Settings

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Blog menu, click Settings.
  5. Go to the Podcasts tab.
  6. Enter the general podcast settings in the following fields:
  7. Explicit
    Indicates whether the podcast episode contains explicit content.
    Show Times Played
    Adds a hit counter to each podcast (Displays how many times a podcast episode has been played).
    The language that is spoken in your podcasts.
    iTunes® Category
    Allows iTunes to categorize your podcast by category.
    iTunes Subtitle
    The subtitle of your podcast episodes.
    iTunes Summary/Channel Description
    You can add a summary or description of your podcast episode. This can be displayed in iTunes and on select MP3 players.
  8. Click Apply.