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Changing the Header for Your Site Builder Template

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Last Updated: February 26, 2009 9:14 AM

If you have all or one of our site builder products and you are using a template that supports replaceable header images, you can change the header for your template. You can select a header that you can use across all of your sites, or select different header images for each. The choice is yours. Whatever you decide to do, changing your header image for any or all of our site builders is quick and easy.

NOTE: Templates that support replaceable header images are indicated by the Change Header icon to the right of the template name. If you want to change your template, see Changing Your Template for Your Site Builders.

To Change Your Header Image

  1. Log in to any of your site builder accounts.
  2. In the Site Suite, go to the Templates tab.
  3. Click Update Template for the site builder you want to work with.
  4. In the Template Options area, locate your current template and select it.
  5. Click the Change Header icon next to the template name.
  6. In the Select Header Image dialog box, click the header image that you want to use, and then click OK.
    The new image thumbnail displays under Attributes.
  7. Click OK to save your new header image.

NOTE: If you restore a project, you may override the replacement image. Ensure that the backup project has the same template and image if you do not want the override to occur.