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What are the different types of page scripts in Real Time Site Analytics?

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Last Updated: February 12, 2009 3:09 PM

When Real Time Stats are enabled, you can access the Site Analytics Control Panel to automatically generate script snippets to insert on each page. The scripts are typically one line JavaScripts, and are identical for each tracked page.

Scripts must reside between the opening and closing body tags of your page. The standard script can live anywhere, but invoice and lead scripts should be placed right before the closing body tag.

An example of the Standard page script is:

<script type="text/JavaScript"

Note: This script does not reference an actual account. The string of "X"s represents a Real Time account number the system generates for you. To obtain your Real Time codes, see How do I find my real time codes?

On lead and invoice pages, there is additional code to track the invoice number and amount, if desired. An example of that code is:

<script type="text/JavaScript"><!--
var TFN = 'xxx'; // Change xxx to the invoice number

var TFA = '$$$'; // Change $$$ to the invoice amount (numeric

The page types are as follows:

Place this script on all pages that are not invoice or lead pages. It allows us to track page hits.
Place this script on invoice pages. It tracks invoice conversions for a particular Ad ID.
Place this script on pages that are not invoice pages, but have leads, such as a “more info” or customer feedback page.