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Can I use your email account if I host my domain with another registrar?

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 10:58 AM

Yes, but you will have to change your Zone records (MX and CNAME) with your registrar.

To Change Your Zone Records

  1. Log on to your account at your domain registrar's Web site.
  2. Locate the Zone record for your domain.

    NOTE: Not all registrars allow you to modify your Zone Records. If your registrar does not allow you to modify your Zone Records, contact their customer support for help.

  3. Replace the existing records with the following information:
    • – MX preference = 0, mail exchanger =
    • – MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =

To change your MX settings for your Yahoo account, see Can I use your email account if I host my domain with Yahoo?

To change your MX settings for your 1&1 account, see Can I use your email account if I host my domain with 1&1?

To change your MX settings for your Network Solutions account, see Can I use your email account if I host my domain with Network Solutions?

To change your MX settings for your account, see Can I use your email account if I host my domain with

To change your MX settings for your account, see Can I use your email account if I host my domain with