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Why does some email I send get bounced back with the error message 553?

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Last Updated: October 10, 2008 10:22 AM

The reason the email was bounced may vary. Emails can bounce if an address is spelled incorrectly, a message exceeds the recipient's maximum message size, or during a network failure. To identify the specific reason the email bounced, look at the error message you received. If the error message you received includes a link, you can follow the link to learn about why the message was blocked and to resolve the problem. Look for the line that has the number 553 in it and follow the instructions.

An example of a link in the error message is:

553 Dynamic pool*

The first line explains the error, and the second line contains a URL to a page that explains why you received the message and how to fix it.

NOTE: Depending on the service that bounced the email message, you may or may not see a link to an explanation of the error.