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Why does my email account show that it is pending setup: validating MX records?

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Last Updated: November 10, 2008 10:21 AM

When setting up an email account, you may receive the "pending setup: validating MX record" while the system verifies your email account is using the correct MX records. If the MX records are correct, the message disappears. If the message remains, the MX records you specified in your hosting provider or domain name system manager may be incorrect. Your hosting provider is where your domain is hosted; your domain name system manager is a third-party domain manager where you might manage your domain settings, such as your DNS servers or MX records.

If the MX records are incorrect, you can add the correct MX records in your hosting provider or third-party domain name system manager.

To Change the MX Record

  1. Log on to your hosting provider or third-party domain name system manager.
  2. Change your MX records to:
    • MX 0 -
    • MX 10 -

NOTE: Be sure to include trailing dot (.) at the end of any fully-qualified domain names (for example, MX Records can take up to 24 hours to verify.

For more information on correcting your MX records, see Why does my email account show that it is Pending Setup: MX Error? .