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What is SMTP Relay?

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Recently Updated: March 24, 2009 3:41 PM

SMTP Relay lets you send email messages through your email account using your existing email service. For example, you can continue to use Microsoft Outlook to compose, receive, and send email messages, but the actual email messages are processed through our SMTP relaying services. This lets you bypass ISP restrictions on your outbound email messages and allows you to use your professional looking "" email address rather than a general “sales@ispname” address.

Our SMTP relay service is provided to you as part of your email account. As such, you must set up the service when you configure your email account settings. Your email account includes 250 SMTP relays per mailbox per day. This limit resets once each day, approximately every 24 hours. If you need more than 250 relays for your mailbox, you can purchase additional relay packs (in packs of 50). You can use a maximum of 500 SMTP relays per day, per email account. If you want to use more than 500 relays per day, you can distribute SMTP relays across multiple email accounts.

NOTE: With Web-Based Email and SMTP, you are restricted to 100 email addresses (To, Cc, and Bcc) per email message, regardless of the number of SMTP relays you have per day. For more information, see Email Account Limitations.