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Why do I Need More Than one Email Address?

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 1:18 PM

While a single email address meets the basic needs of some users, most email users (private and business) could benefit tremendously from signing up for an email plan that supports multiple addresses/mailboxes.

Multiple Addresses for Private Users

As a private user, multiple email addresses can serve a number of purposes:

Family members or groups
An email plan with multiple addresses allows you to create separate email addresses for each of your family members or any other group of users.
Multiple mailboxes
Private email users may want to set up separate mailboxes for specific purposes. For example, mailboxes dedicated to personal mail, work-related mail, Web site–related mail, etc.

An account with multiple addresses can cover all such needs.

Multiple Addresses for Business Users

As a business owner, there are several ways you can take advantage of multiple mailboxes:

Email addresses for employees
If your business has a staff, then each staff member needs his/her own mailbox. Providing your employees with individual mailboxes on your domain (rather than generic addresses, such as Hotmail®, Yahoo!Mail®, etc.) is not only convenient for the employees; it shows the world that you are serious about your business.
Separate email addresses for product lines, offerings, etc.
If you are running a multi-tiered business, such as an e-commerce business that offers a variety of product types or lines, you might want to set up separate mailboxes for communications within each distinct section of your business.
Individual email addresses for departments and branches
If your business consists of multiple departments, each department can have a separate mailbox for daily business communications. Corporate communications, sales, customer support, PR, and marketing are examples of departments that could benefit from having their own email address.

We offer email plans that meet the needs of any size and type of business.

Whether you need multiple email mailboxes for personal use or business purposes, we have a plan that covers your needs. All of our email accounts are personalized and include generous storage space, Webmail access, and state-of-the-art spam, phishing, and virus protection.