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Creating and Forwarding a Subdomain

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Last Updated: October 1, 2008 11:31 AM

A subdomain is the part of a domain that is appended to the beginning of the domain name, like a prefix. For example, if your domain is "," you can add a subdomain to the front of it to make "" As with a regular domain, you can forward a subdomain to another URL. Subdomains can be up to 25 characters.

To Create and Forward a Subdomain

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
  3. Click the domain for which you want to create a subdomain.
  4. In the Subdomains section, click add.
  5. In the Subdomain field, enter subdomain you want to use. Do not enter the domain name in the field.
  6. In the Forward to field, enter the URL to which you want to forward your subdomain (for example,
  7. In the Redirect type area, select one of the following:
    301 Moved Permanently
    Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward To field using a "301 Moved Permanently" HTTP response. The HTTP 301 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has permanently moved.
    302 Moved Temporarily
    Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward To field using a "302 Found" HTTP response. The HTTP 302 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has temporarily moved.
  8. Click OK.