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Hosting Domains on MobileMe Accounts

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Last Updated: February 18, 2009 3:50 PM

There are several ways to use your domain with MobileMe, but we suggest using the following process:

  • Park the domain you want to host on your MobileMe account using our Parked nameservers.
  • Configure your MobileMe account.
  • Forward the domain you want to host on your MobileMe account to the "www" version of your domain (for example, forward to
  • Edit the "www" CNAME record for the domain you want to host on your MobileMe account to point to

To Park Your Domain

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, select Domain Manager.
  3. Use the checkbox to select the domain you want to host on your MobileMe account, and then click Nameservers.
  4. Select Parked nameservers.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK again.

To Configure Your MobileMe Account

For information about setting up your MobileMe account to work with your personal domain, see the help for your MobileMe account.

To Forward Your Domain

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domains.
  3. Use the checkbox to select the domain you want to host on your MobileMe account, and then click Forward.
  4. Select Enable forwarding.
  5. In the Forward to field, enter the domain you want to host on your MobileMe account preceded by "www". For example,
  6. In the Redirect type area, select one of the following:
    301 Moved Permanently
    Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward to field using a "301 Moved Permanently" HTTP response. The HTTP 301 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has permanently moved.
    302 Found (Temporary Redirect)
    Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward to field using a "302 Found" HTTP response. The HTTP 302 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has temporarily moved.
  7. Click OK.

NOTE: Forwarded domains can take up to 24 hours to become active.

To Edit Your CNAME Record

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domains.
  3. Click the domain you want to forward to your MobileMe account.
  4. In the Total DNS Control field, click the Total DNS Control and MX Records hyperlink.
  5. To edit your "www" CNAME, click the Edit button for the "www" record.
  6. Click OK to confirm you want to edit the record.
  7. In the Points to Host Name field, type
  8. Click OK.

NOTE: As a courtesy, we provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not endorse or directly support third-party products and we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products. MobileMe is a service of Apple Inc. We are not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by Apple or Apple products.