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Creating SRV Records

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Last Updated: March 6, 2009 4:11 PM

Service Records (SRV) are resource records that are used to identify computers that host specific services. For example, a client issues a request for the SRV Record to find the host name that provides the service for a specific domain. The service may be used on that domain or may be called from a different domain.

To Create a SRV Record for Your Domain

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
  3. Click the domain name for which you want to create an SRV record.
  4. In the Total DNS Control area, click Total DNS Control and MX Records.
  5. Click Add SRV Record.
  6. Complete the following:
    The host name or domain the SRV is linked to. For example, "server1." If you want to link the record to your domain, enter the @ symbol.
    The service name of this SRV record. For example, "_ldap", "_ftp", "_smtp".
    The protocol used for the service. For example, "_tcp" or "_udp".
    The priority for the SRV record. For multiple records that have the same Name and Service, clients use the priority number to determine which Target to contact first.
    The weight of the SRV record. For multiple records that have the same Name, Service, and Priority, clients use the weight number to determine which Target to contact first.
    The port of the service. For example, "80" or "21."
    The host name of the server that provides the service described by this record. For example, "" Please note that this host name must be an "A" or "AAAA" type in the DNS zone for the domain that provides the service.
  7. Click OK.