How do I fix an ACL issue on my Dedicated Windows Server after patching MailEnable?
If you are experiencing ACL Issues on your Dedicated Windows server with Plesk after removing the worm and MailEnable has been patched, you need to patch your secsetup.sdb file and reinstalling ASP.NET 1.1 if you are using it.
On your dedicated server, open Notepad and create a new document. In that document insert this information:
[Privilege Rights]
Save the file as "C:\sec.inf".
Select Run from the Start Menu and type cmd. In the command prompt that is opened, run the following command:
This will complete "With Errors". This is typical, as it is configured to work for a few versions of MailEnable.
Restart the Plesk service by going to the control panel button in the lower right corner of the screen and selecting Restart.
Plesk and Web sites should now be working normally. If you are using ASP.NET 1.1 or 2.0 there are additional steps that need to be taken to reinstall ASP.NET support.
Reinstalling ASP.NET 1.1
Select Run from the Start Menu and type cmd. In the command prompt that is opened, run the following commands:
Hit Enter
For ASP.NET 2.0 use v2.0.50727 instead of v1.1.4322.
After reinstalling ASP.NET, the Plesk reconfigurator must be run. You can access the reconfigurator from the Start Menu and selecting Plesk Reconfigurator from the SW-Soft Plesk folder from All Programs.
Select the Repair Plesk Installation option from the Plesk Control Panel, and check the box next to Plesk Virtual Hosts Security as well as all of the boxes that are already checked. Click Check, this will run a check and repair any permissions that need to be repaired.