Welcome to IX-ONE.COM. If you are visually impaired and would like to check the availability of a domain, make a purchase, or just have questions please call us at (480) 624-2500. You may also email us at support.secureserver.net to request a website service callback.  We are currently in the process of implementing more accessibility for our visitors so feel free to check back in the near future. Thank you for your interest in our company.
More customers. More Web traffic. More Sales. Get MORE with a Business Registration!

Example: Best-Widgets.com is registered by the company's IT manager, John Smith.

With Business Registration: All of the company's vital information is listed on the front page, including the physical address, phone and fax numbers, hours of operation and a personalized description of the business - there are even links to the Web site and a map of the business.
Business Registration:
Standard WhoIs information that contains personal domain registration details (can be kept private with optional Private Registration)
Make it easy for customers to reach you with all of your vital contact information, including your logo and a link to your Web site.
Help visitors find your place of business with an optional online map. See Example
Explain the nature of your business or present a special offer with the description field.
Space to display up to 4 images and 4 hyperlinks - perfect for driving customers to your website.
  Business Registration